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 There's a common belief that first class graduates are those who don't know any other kind of stuff except there books. People think you must be constantly poring through your books in order to attain first class but this is not entirely true.

      Most of the first class graduates have a fixed hour for reading, you don't have to read or study 24/7 to attain first class. Just know your onion and first class would be at your doorstep.

(1)THEY DON'T JOKE WITH LECTURES: Yes, there is a need to be in class always to achieve it and get it done.
Most of the student that graduated with first class can testify to my claim.
In the world of first class, you don't play with lectures.
If you want to have first class start attending lectures.

(2) THEY TRY TO KNOW EVERYTHING: This is a very significant trait of most first-class students
 They ensure all the topics discussed in their various lectures are well treated and understood to the best of their knowledge.
   If there is any topic they don't understand, they will always want to learn from others.
They don't mind to be your friend because of 1 single topic.

4) THEY ARE FIRST CLASS CRAMMERS: Don't get this wrong, cramming and good understanding works perfectly fine and this is where first class students win the game. Our institution demands that you give lectures what they gave you (garbage in garbage out), a Student who could only give out based on his understanding might as well say farewell to first class. 
  In other words, you must be a good crammer to get that first class. Some students say'la cram la pour'

5 THEY ARE GOAL ORIENTED: They are goal setters. This is self-explanatory. You can't be longing to bag scholarship at your third year or finals. First Class students start early to aim for that start. They imagine and desire the gp they need to clinch, draw plans on how to get there and work assiduously toward it. 

6) THEY IMPART ON OTHERS: As they said 'practice makes perfect ' The first class students try as much as possible to understand a concept then teach others what they know and by virtue of doing this, learn more about the concept and get to increase or buoy themselves. 

You might have studied your textbooks ahead of the lecturer and felt you have known all but the truth is that many is the time lecturers bring in things outside there handouts and you might out of less attention miss those points and this is where first class students show their prowess. 
    You may consider some lecturer's statements unnecessary but in the end, you find it hard to answer in the exam hall but first class students will pay maximum attention and make sure they miss no point or leave any stone unturned. 

8) THEY PRIORITIZE THERE ACADEMICS: Most of the first class students knows how to manage there time properly, knowing when to draw the line between there social life and academics. That's knowing how to give to Ceasar that which is his and giving to God that which is his. Most even keep boyfriends and girlfriends but the difference is the way they manage their relationships. 
   You can't be a relationship freak, social activity, Social media freak and expect to clinch the first-class position. In all 'WITH MODERATION IN EVERYTHING EXCEPT YOUR ACADEMICS'

(9) THEY ARE GIFTED AND TALENTED: The obvious truth lies that most first-class students are really gifted. They understand things in a very impressive way. That's to say that they are precocious. This can be made clearer when you compare footballers, you will find out that Messi and C. Ronaldo are not matched for others despite that others undergo similar training, some even train harder. 

(10)THEY KNOW HOW TO READ: The problem of most students is knowing what to read and study. Similar topics or points are not meant to be read or studied in same vain and this is where first class students do their magic.
   They know how and when to separate the chaff from the wheat and this method gives them the exact thing they need 

   I won't end it all without acknowledging the fact that most first-class students marry their past questions. This helps a lot because it gives you area of concentration the more and gets you to test your knowledge. Sometimes lecturers get so lazy that they don't get to set new questions and once you have the past questions, you are good to go. 

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